A gathering spot for warriors fighting for their special-needs children

If you're one of the many who have come to the realization that your public school system is out to get away with doing the absolute minimum for your special-needs child and is not actually interested in helping or educating your child, join the crowd. Bring some passion and some factual evidence and step into the fray.

Monday, August 23, 2010

APS's Wall of Shame

Uh, maybe it's time to take this down...?

As recently as Aug. 20, 2010, this giant posterboard trumpeting APS's CRCT scores in the cheating-plagued 2008-2009 school year was still greeting visitors to APS headquarters downtown.

Do you think they still want visitors to believe that these scores were legit?

I think they still refuse to let go of the notion the scores were utterly fraudulent. They're determined to believe no cheating occurred. Or maybe they have no sense of irony. See more photos here.