I've shot footage at several Kumon centers in NY and NJ and talked with a dozen or more parents whose children use the inexpensive, twice-weekly afterschool tutoring service. They uniformly believe Kumon is the greatest ally a parent can have; particularly in areas where the public schools are not great. Kumons hire active and retired teachers and supply them with materials that are definitely challenging but also fun; for me, the most interesting part of my shoots was seeing how much the kids were really into it.
I've checked out the materials and even purchased some for my own son, and I think it is a great service and a great value--particularly compared to the cost of private school or private tutoring.
Check them out at:
The address is:
1529 Piedmont Ave. Suite K; next to Ansley Mall
Atlanta 30324
Telephone: 404-736-6367
I don't know the folks who have set up this particular Kumon Center (it's a franchisee operation) but we will be getting to know them going forward.