A gathering spot for warriors fighting for their special-needs children

If you're one of the many who have come to the realization that your public school system is out to get away with doing the absolute minimum for your special-needs child and is not actually interested in helping or educating your child, join the crowd. Bring some passion and some factual evidence and step into the fray.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Sonny shows how major league politics is played

I'm no fan of Sonny Perdue. I think he's a bible-thumping, beer-hating bubba. But he has just made what is likely to be his single biggest contribution to the life of all of us who are parents of APS children, and it's a doozie. And we owe him for it, and it's forcing me to re-evaluate the way I think of him.

And look at what a skillful politician he is. He publicly blasted Bev Hall last summer for Hall's so-what reaction to a cheating scandal--something that seemed like a big deal at the time, but which is small potatoes compared to what's going on now, and you could have assumed that would be the end of it.

But no--he didn't stop there. He had his folks do a thorough investigation of all CRCT tests statewide, and while he might not have been fishing for Dr. Hall in particular, boy did she ever wind up in his net.

Now Hall is thrashing about, forcing her poor spokesman to go out and make ridiculous, desperate excuses for the damning numbers, and a lesser politician than Perdue would be moving in for the kill. But Perdue's not saying a word. He knows that for a white bubba governor to attack an award-winning black Atlanta superintendent of schools would just not do.

So he's going to let Bev Hall do her own investigation, knowing full well that the results of that investigation will likely result in Hall's resignation. If Hall does not have the decency to fall on her own sword for such rampant cheating, then Perdue may have to speak up, but I hope it doesn't come to that.

Dr. Hall: among the many things you directly responsible for is to see that there is no ACADEMIC CHEATING under your watch. In fact, it is among your most important duties. So please don't trot out the old "I didn't know, how could I have known?" party line. Nobody expects you to collect the test forms yourself. That doesn't mean you're still not responsible for it getting done right.

If this scandal results in a large scale reform (true reform this time) of the APS, then it will be due to Sonny Perdue's leadership. It hurts me to say that, but it's true. And to show my gracious appreciation, this Sunday I will raise a glass of beer to toast Gov. Sonny.

Oh, wait......

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