Below is an actual unedited email from our son's IEP coordinator at Morningside Elementary School last year. I won't further embarrass the poor guy (who now has reportedly completed his Ph.D) by mentioning his name here, but let's just say that his possession of a Ph.D. proves that some colleges will give sheepskins to any fool who will write them enough checks.
To set the scene: I had been writing and calling this guy for more than a month to pin him down on a summer education program for our son.
When he finally got back to me, weeks too late, this, in its entirety, is what he wrote.
Thank you for your patience regarding an answer for Vance to have Extended
School Year beyond the dates that have been established by the system.
recieved an answer on Friday, April 3rd, 2009.
Being that the program has been in place for the student and that there are no attendance issues, Vance will be offered the opportunity to participate in the ESY according to the dates that were provided to you in the previous e-mail.
due to the severity of his disability, the rate of progress on his goals and the skills that are emerging at this time.
I look forward in meeting with the team to create the Extended Year Plan for Vance.
Thank you,
(name withheld)
Now you tell me whether somebody who can't do better than that should be able to get a high school diploma, never mind a Ph.D.
Here's my point: Do you, my fellow parents, really and truly understand who is setting the standards for your child's education, or are you letting white liberal guilt interfere with your responsibility to demand the very best from our taxpayer-funded system?
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