I'd like our elected school board rep Cecily Harsch-Kinnane to reply to this question publicly: why did you run for re-election, if you weren't going to at least try to show some leadership during what might be the most sudden, most complete meltdown of an urban school system ever seen in the U.S.?
You have been conspicuously silent on the issue of Beverly Hall's cover-up of the CRCT cheating scandal. When I questioned you on the phone about it, you literally stammered through a rambling, 20-minute monologue during which you questioned whether the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's reporting on the facts was accurate (blaming the media--a page straight out of the Shirley Franklin playbook) before going on to say that you "could understand" why Beverly Hall felt it was okay to hide the Porter CRCT cheating report from your Board and to lie to her Open Records clerk, Rebecca Kaye, so that Kaye could claim, in all innocence, that APS was not "in possession" of the document.
Your reasoning? You believe that because the hilariously misnamed "Blue Ribbon Panel" had received the Porter report, the Board did not also have to look at it, and that you agreed with Hall's reasoning that it might not be "the best idea" to release it to the public.
Well, guess what: you don't get to decide not to abide by the Open Records Act. The "furious five" APS BOE members, including the current BOE president Khaatim El, testified that the Blue Ribbon Panel kept them in the dark about its investigation, including the Porter report. That puts you in the position of supporting the employee---yes, Beverly Hall is your employee--who withheld an important document from your fellow BOE members. I'm sure they appreciate your deciding what they should and shouldn't be allowed to read.
Your other weak defense for Beverly Hall's conduct was that you felt the Porter report "wasn't all that important." Really? Of the two "investigations" arranged by Bev Hall in the immediate aftermath of the CRCT cheating allegations, one, a literal drive-by performed by a no-name hack, was proudly posted on the APS website. The other, the credible document executed by Mr. Porter, was deliberately hidden from BOE and public view.
And you're okay with that.
Parents, this kind of stuff is the best argument I could make for conversion charters. Not only is APS not set up or interested in running a high-ceiling school for your children, APS has as its willing accomplice BOE members like Cecily Look-The-Other-Way Harsch-Kinnane.
I cannot for the life of me understand why you ran for this post, Cecily. At the moment when leadership is most needed, you're quietly and meekly supporting the disgraced and soon to be displaced employee Beverly Hall. If and when parents wrestle control of their neighborhood schools away from your bickering, disfunctional BOE, you and your Board colleagues will only have yourselves to blame.
When you figure out what it is you really want to say about all of this, this forum is yours.
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